Press the Windows ( Super) key and type in 'Wireshark'. (Optional) Add Wireshark to your Ubuntu favorites bar: It will ask if you'd like to save your packet capture (pcap) file. Press the red square (stop symbol) in the top-left to stop the packet capture. In the window that opens up, click the blue shark fin icon in the top-left, which says 'Start capturing packets' when you hover on it.
Now log out of Ubuntu (or restart your computer), and log back in, to register your username in this new group. # that as an entry now in the response here. # Ensure your username is now part of the `wireshark` group. # Add your user to the `wireshark` group. # When it says, 'Should non-superusers be able to capture packets?', Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable Install Wireshark and add your user to the wireshark group: # Add the latest managed package so you can get a newer version How to install the latest PPA-managed version of Wireshark on Ubuntu
Many of the other answers here contain parts of my answer, and I've upvoted them, but none contain everything I'm going to show. I'd like a more thorough and modern answer.